Architecture |
Built using PeopleTools Technology |
For products built using PeopleTools Technology the application server and process scheduler can be installed on Windows/Unix/Linux/Solaris |
Database Connectivity |
Leverage PeopleSoft delivered Java packages |
Use db links |
Native |
Build project in target using Application Designer |
Build project in target using Data Mover (removes dependency on Windows operating system) |
File Transfers using XCopy, FTP, SFTP |
A single instance of product can support multiple PeopleTools version |
Customize the product |
Partial |
Development Support |
Version Control of all Supported PeopleTools Objects |
Version Control File Objects such as SQR and Crystal Reports |
Version Control Folder Objects |
Version Control Functional Configuration Data |
Version Control COBOL Stored Statements |
Version Control Database Objects |
Rollback Changes made to Application Designer Objects and File Objects |
Rollback Changes made to Non-PeopleSoft Objects like functional configuration data, folder objects, COBOL Stored Statements and Database Objects |
Online Object Version History Inquiry |
Automated Application Designer Object Locking Mechanism |
Yes. Use Change Control Locking |
Yes. Use Change Control Locking |
Yes. Use Definition Security |
Yes. Use Change Control Locking |
Reassign Object Locks and put Object Lock Reserves |
View Objects Lock History |
Read in Object List from a Application Designer Project or Individually |
Access PeopleTools Object Properties Using Web Interface |
Find Object References in Other Change Requests |
Create Version Sets either online or offline at a scheduled date and time |
Online Only |
Online Only |
Online Only |
Compare Reports with all meta data decoded |
View PeopleCode online |
Run SQL/DMS/BAT/Shell scripts - both before and after migration |
Partial |
Deploy and Rollback version either online or offline(schedule to run at a preferred date and time). |
Online Only |
Partial |
Partial |
View migration/rollback scripts and scripts output online |
Patch Impact Analyzer |
Production Support |
Reduce the production issue response time for data related issues |
Stop refreshing the downstream databases (like development, test, staging, UAT, etc) from a copy of the production database |
Copy selected data from production database into the downstream databases quickly |
Change Request Management |
Automated CR Task Assignments Based on CR Type, Functional Area, or Role |
Configurable Email Notifications at the Individual Task Level |
Create a change request with selected versions/objects from one or more previous change requests |
Release Management - Schedule to run a particular date and time. |
Partial |
View change request history |
Bulk Close Change Requests |
My Dashboard |
Central Document Repository - Attach Business Requirements, Func Specs, Tech Specs, etc |
Create Change Request from Email |
Workflow |
Fully Configurable Workflow to Model your Change Management Processes - 100% Customizable |
Workflow status based security - Control access to change request pages based on the workflow status |
Implement Controls Such as Approvals and Code Versioning |
CR Task Approval Worklist Page for Managers |
Both Role based and User based approvals |
Define required tasks that must be completed to move from one workflow step to another |
Enforcement of required approvals |
Workflow task level document repository |
Reporting and Compliance |
SOX Compliance Reports |
Management and Key Performance Indicator Reports |
Online, Real-Time Issue and Change Request Inquiry |
Integration with PS Query |
Dynamic Report Templates - choose what to print and how to print |
Generate Reports in MS-Word and MS-Excel (XLS) format |
In the reports, explode stakeholder approvals sent via email |
In the reports, explode the scripts and script output run as part of migrations |
Rapid Deployment |
Ensure Configuration Referential Integrity and Code Dependencies |
Rapid Deployment in Days, not Months |
Leverage Existing Infrastructure |
No New Hardware Required |
No New Third Party Software or Agents Required |
May require additional OS license |
Security |
Segregation of Duties |
Integration with PeopleSoft Security - no Need to Maintain Separate User Profiles |
Workflow status based security |
Define Gated Processes |